Which Stock Market Games Site Allows Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency has become popular, and a lot of people think it is a new thing. However, the truth is that cryptocurrency has been around for a long time. People did not accept it initially as a legal tender because they did not trust it. People by their nature prefer money they can see to the one that is just ‘online,’ this affected the acceptance of cryptocurrency for a very long time.

Stock market games sites were not any different from the people who have been ignorant about cryptocurrency. WallStreetSurvivor.com was the first to offer a virtual trading contest featuring the top 100 cryptos in January 2018. They even gave away Ethereum, LiteCoin, and Ripple as prizes to the top crypto traders. WallStreetSurvivor continues to offer a crypto trading contest every other month so if you want to practice trading cryptos, register for this FREE site Recently, to catch up to their leadership, other stock market games sites started implementing cryptocurrency. We trust the WallStreetSurvivor.com over other stock market game sites because:

Consistency: The WallStreetSurvivor.com site has been the stock market game leader in all aspects of trading and financial education. The Wall Street Survivor site is not new to the use of cryptocurrency as a means of buying and selling cryptocurrency. It is never a Jonny Come Lately after a topic gets popular. Their customers know that they can be trusted because they have pioneered online financial education.

Exciting education:  The Wall Street Survivor site is not just a stock game site. This is very evident after you snoop around the site. It is structured to help you learn stock market trading principles from the best experts in Wall Street. The WallStreetSurvivor.com site makes learning financial fundamentals fun. It is the first site that we recommend for a FREE all around stock market game and education site. For example, they offer free education about Cryptocurrency with articles like “THE WORLDS TOP 8 CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGES” and “THE DO’S AND DON’TS WHEN INVESTING IN CRYPTOCURRENCY.”

Rave Reviews: Those who have used the WallStreetSurvivor.com site only post 5-star reviews. Those who visit the site have been impressed with the user environment.

Learn with the best

We highly recommend the WallStreetSurvivor.com site. They allow you to trade 100 cryptocurrencies as well as DOW and NASDAQ stocks and ETFs. You can visit the site at WallStreetSurvivor.com. Stay ahead in life by learning from the best.