About Me

We provide a directory of games with a list of all available sites

Bryan Chops
Investor extraordinaire

How I Got Started with the Stock Market

I am a stock trading games fanatic! I like to play all of the stock market games and stock market contests I can find, and I usually do pretty well. I have never won the big prize, but I have placed and won a few bucks from www.HowTheMarketWorks.com. I have played just about all of these trading games over the last few years. So I decided to launch my own website and tell others which ones I thought were best. That’s why I launched stock-market-game.net so others could learn stock trading.

Here’s my story, in case you are interested. I graduated from a top school in Oklahoma with an engineering degree. After I got my first job and started saving a few dollars, I realized I didn’t know what to do with my money–all $5,000 of it. I wanted to try and save up and buy a car or a house but it was sitting in the bank earning 1%! I thought I was never going to get rich at 1% return a year! Plus my money is just sitting there accumulating “dust” so to speak.
That’s when it happened, my co-workers were having lots of conversations at the water cooler about this stock and that stock and how much money they made. So I started talking to them about how they found these stocks. They said: “my banker or so and so told me about it”. I wasn’t happy with this answer so I started spending my nights researching the stock market, and then I stumbled upon one of these stock market game websites. I registered for free, and started trading based on the rumors I was hearing at work, I started reading Money magazine, and I signed up for a bunch of free email newsletters from TheStreet.com and Fool.com.

Before I realized it, I was hooked on trying to make money in the stock market, with both a buy and hold strategy for 80% of my money, and a make-a-quick-buck strategy for my other 20%. I started trading on these stock market game websites and realized some were realistic and some were not. This little website is my foray into being a web designer and sharing my expertise based on 20 years of playing stock market games. The great thing is, the whole time I was learning about stocks on these websites I also had the opportunities to win some great prizes.

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